Photos of London
Our capital is a gastronomical gold mine, full of amazing chefs, producing sumptuous dishes in stunning restaurants. It is also a massive, sprawling conurbation, whose inhabitance move ghost-like through it – their only trace, the detritus they leave behind.
This is what I like to immortalise in pixels, as found.
Sachets of KFC tomato sauce - oddly one front and one back.
Why spend all that money on overpriced Baskin Robbins and then just leave it?
Found outside an Indian restaurant – not sure what the dish they were making was?
Note the metal fork – that's real planning for you.
Just off Oxford St, 6pm on a winter evening. Make mine a vermouth!
Neat and tidy. Tidy and neat.
Your tropical dreams squashed. That's London.
Nothing like a post-vomit fag.
What do I need to balance the piles of discarded 'free' papers? Oh yeah, a KFC bucket!
Hungry? Try 4 Tesco caramel wafers on a bus - that'll do you!
Pics 1 & 3 remind me of the opening frames of Watchmen, bizarrely…