Revel Revel (your bag is a mess)
It’s my dream to take a peek behind the confectioner’s curtain and let light in upon the magic of how Britain’s chocolate bars are made.
How do they get Maltesers so round?
What is that in a Milky Way?
Do they make one continuous Curly Wurly and cut it into pieces or are they all made separately?
It was whilst musing on these and munching on a bag of Revels that the question popped into my head, ‘Why do I alway pick out a coffee one?’ Was this the case or was it just my perception – reflecting the fact I don’t really like Revels that much, and using coffee as a way of reinforcing my general Revels apathy??
There was only one way to find out – eat a load more!!
So, I bought three 140g bags of Mars’ favourite chocolate variety bags and dissected the contents. It wasn’t very scientific, I just sat there, ate them and wrote down what they were.
It’s not rocket science after all.

Interpretation of Results
Given my results I was keen to see if Mars of Slough could cast any light to why some varieties were constant and others so variable. I contacted them and was, rather unfortunately* put through to their ‘press office’, which in reality is a PR company in London.
After a long conversation explaining what I was doing – exploring the distribution of Revels, was it random? Did people play a part in the mix? Was it researched so popular flavours are more constant? I was told that he could email all this info in a couple of days – after he’d found out.
And in a couple of days his reply duly arrived. It read
“The best thing about REVELS® is that you never quite know which one you are going to pick out. With the unique personality of the brand built around a product mix of MALTESERS®, Chocolate, Coffee, Raisin, Toffee and Orange, everyone has their favourites and it is the unpredictability of REVELS® that makes them so exciting to eat.”
I think we can all agree that that answers all of my questions and more besides. Well done PR man.
It seems that my mind was playing tricks on me – coffee is never present in higher amounts than orange, or toffee. If you’re a chocolate raisins fan you do run the risk of being disappointed – although if you buy Revels just for the raisins it probably serves you right.
And, I still don’t really like Revels.
*I say unfortunately, because in my experience this PR company is not as friendly, proactive or thorough as many of the other lovely PR companies available.
I remember the raisins as being quite a recent addition to the Revels mix (they must have replaced peanuts only a few years ago.) I also recall coconut ones (probably back in the eighties, a decade in which I ate FAR TOO MANY bags of Revels…)