Great Biscuits of Great Britain
Below are scans of the front and back of a set of twelve cards. They were produced to celebrate the 350th anniversary of the Rich Tea – hence the Rich Tea occupying the first card. It is thought they date from the mid-eighties, although the exact date is a mystery, as is the exact date of the Rich Tea’s invention.

Card number one - The Rich Tea

Card number two - The Tunnocks Teacake

Card number three - The Malted Milk

Card number four - The Lincoln

Card number five - The Nice biscuit

Card number six - The Morning Coffee

Card number seven - The Custard Cream

Card number eight - The Bourbon

Card number nine - The Fruit Shortcake

Card number ten - The Garibaldi

Card number eleven - The Pink Wafer

Card number twelve - The Fig Roll
What the hell happened to the humble Digestive?!? Great British society would fall apart if we were to ever lose that giant of the biscuit world…
Lack of Hob Nobs = disappointing.
Im with StevieR. the digestive is a cornerstone of tea dunking protocols. but that leads into Timtams, and tim tam slammers.
Rhys, I think for the benefit of all of us not living in God’s Country (® Rhys Blackburn) you may have to explain what a Tim Tam slammer is.
Me gustan estas galletas.
No fucking gingernuts? Just bloody wrong…