The best biscuit in Britain?
There are three basic ingredients in biscuits – flour, sugar and fat. Tweak the ratio of these three basics, add a few bits and bobs and you end up with thousands of variations of tea’s favourite companion.
If you read all the other posts on this site – and I thoroughly recommend you do – you’ll already know I have faith in biscuits, they are a wonderful constant in life, with enough variables to always be there, whatever life throws at you.
Sadly, biscuits that have gone to the Great Biscuit Tin in the sky aren’t on the list – I’m sure you’ll join with me, before you cast your important vote, for a minutes silence to mourn the passing of the Abbey Crunch, the educated HobNob.

Please don’t even start moaning about Jaffa Cakes being cakes and not biscuits. The only reason McVitie went to court for a definitive judgment was so they didn’t have to pay VAT. Chocolate coated biscuits are subject to VAT, where as cakes are zero rated so you don’t have to pay any. Do you know anyone who actually thinks they’re cakes? Me neither.
Mr Dakin
You need to include marks & Spencers Butter Almond Biscuits!!!
Hope all is well
You need to put Kit Kats on the list – but obviously the Jaffa cakes rules in my house!
Debs, Kit Kats are WAY too big a treat to classify as biscuits! Anything that comes individually wrapped is off the list – otherwise Tunnocks teacakes and wafers would by in pride of place!
have I been chatting about biscuits in my sleep or is that t’other Debs?
Ben I meant to say Shortbread but voted shortcake by mistake. A poor man’s imitation of shortbread! I’m ashamed.
My fave that’s not on the list is probably fairtrades double chocolate chunk cookies, my fave from when was younger is definitely cadburys animal biscuits and now i love bourbons and custard creams
Hang on, hang on! Surely you can’t mean to dismiss the Jaffa Cake debate that easily? Your protestations to the contrary (and the fact that my Mum keeps them in the biscuit tin, God bless her), Jaffa Cakes are most definitely cakes, not bikkies. First, as everyone knows, cakes go hard when stale, whereas biscuits go soft. Not that I’ve ever left Jaffa Cakes long enough to go off, but I’m reliably informed that they go properly hard just any self-respecting cake should. Second, because the Law says that they’re cakes, and I don’t think that anyone would want to upset Her Majesty by questioning her decision in the matter. And finally, because… well, “the clue is in the name”, as they say.
As Dickens’ great Beadle says, “The law is a ass.” Jaffas are clearly cakes.
On a separate note, I would like to lament Marks and Spencer’s long-gone and much missed chocolate crunch biscuits. Small, with silky thick chocolate and the base a sheer genius of caramelised crunch. A light dunk was all you needed to complete them. Sadly, they went the same way as their mince beef pizza and white chocolate mousse. Disconflippingtinued.
I miss them every day.