What’s the best supermarket?
There are a select few who can wander down to their field, pick some fresh asparagus and on their way back, slaughter a chicken or two. To those I stand in awe and salute your fortunate position, for the rest of us, there are supermarkets. Whether you love them or loathe them, life would be harder without them. So which one is the best? And which one do you actually shop in?

Making me hungry thinking about food- Sainsbury’s just delivered too so now have the joyous task of cramming it all into the fridge!
surely m&s should be in their own category of “favourite pop in for a few bits” shop?
Agree with Soph. Totally.
I genuinely like Morrissons I think their own brand produce is good and the stores are nicely kept I hate, hate, hate Asda.
Ultimately Waitrose is the best just for the sheer selection of products and the excellent quality, although the clemintines I bought the other day weren’t too good although they aren’t in season so…