The 10 worst chocolate bars
As a rejoinder to my post of The 10 best chocolate bars, here are my choice for the worst. I simplified my reasons why – the less time I have to think about these the less queasy I feel…
Turkish Delight
Like eating an overly scented Yankee Candle
We all know peanuts exist – you don’t have to put them in everything!
Mint Aero
Same colour as Kryptonite, and if Superman steers clear of it so do I.
The initial fun disappears after your teeth and jaw starts to ache – goes on way too long
If I want a Cream Egg, I’ll have one thanks.
Like Groundhog Day – Oh great another coffee that I was convinced was an orange…
Toffee Crisp
Wait. Surely I could have made this at home??
Milky Way
Neither ruins, nor satisfies, any appetite.
Waxy, the colour of diarrhoea and an overly cloying taste – what’s not to like?
Like loud, overweight, brash American tourists trying to belittle the mighty Smartie.

Remember when Boosts came in different flavours? I liked the coconut one, it somehow made it bearable… ‘Slightly rippled with a smooth underside’
Agree with Twisted! A certain someone keeps buying me them… just buy the creme egg okay? 🙂
Never had Revels, never attracted me. Coffee? Eugh.
I agree with you in all BUT the M&M’s – which of course are superior to the Smarties.
Although Smarties were an Aussie favourite in the early 80s.
Caramel Chunky Kitkat is the worst but you haven’t added Kitkat varieties so didn’t want to vote for it because I love the normal one and peanut one, I was sooooo disappointed it wasn’t runny caramel, please pass on my complaints to them, I think we could get a petition signed, I know 2 others who agree with me
Why does the snicker get demortalised! I disagree with the comment, its not really well founded. Yes there are peanuts but when you say “in everything”, well that doesn’t make much sense, as there is only one snicker. It’s like saying why put fruit in everything when debating fruit yoghurts… however i do love this site having newly discovered it today, love the anecdotes and LOVE the polls. Hit us with some more polls. How about best and worst pasta dishes…?
Caramac is the worst and your description is spot on! Agree with most of your list but I do occasionally like a Boost, mainly when I want to experience the onset of diabetes.
One thing I really don’t like are Cadburys mini rolls – really dry cake smothered in sweet sickly chocolate. You could make something that tastes a million times better yourself.
Does anyone remember Secret bars? They had a whipped moussy centre. They were a delicious sweet treat!
It makes me sad that I live in a world where people enjoy Kitkat Chunky. The who point of Kitkat is that perfect balance of chocolate and wafer. The chunky version is just horrible and with so much chocolate, you are reminded that the quality of the chocolate is crap.
Flake is obviously the best chocolate bar, but is only really suitable for very very special occasions. And don’t get fooled by the ad men, its defiantly Flake that would be served at the ambassadors reception, silver trays stacked high with flaks, can you imagine!?:):)
Turkish Delight is nasty, I agree with you there. M&Ms though, can’t get enough of them.
I’m not a huge fan of Boost, but really liked the Boost Guarana variety that came out (even though I think I was in the minority).
Turkish delight is lovely, Boost is alright, Snickers are great. Aero Mint are nasty.
i can’t believe it. the worst chocolate bar ever is NONE OF THE ABOVE. What about HERSHEY’S, the worst chocolate bar in the world. It has a waxy texture, tastes bland and hardly chocolately as it hardly has any cocoa in it and has a sulphorous aftertaste. it’s totally yuck.
Are you an idiot? Turkish delight (lokum) is not a chocolate!
‘Real’ Turkish Delight is certainly not a chocolate – however, I was referring to Fry’s Turkish Delight (now sadly owned and produced by Nestle). This foil wrapped abomination is only Turkish Delight by name!!
great list although i don’t mind snickers, milky way, mint aero and M&Ms but you’re reasonings are sound — and funny 🙂
Are you mental Caramac is the best, both golden and resplendent and one of the few deviations from same old milk chocolate flavor. And apparently beyond your ken. You were obviously raised on mars bars and are unable to appreciate truly fine chocolates. Philistine.
Oh dear, if your diarrhoea is the colour of Caramac I think you need to change your diet. Mint and Aero are words that should never be used together.
Why has the Twirl and Wispa come away unscathed? Two of the shittest chocolate bars in the confectionary game. Boring as fuck. No personality. It’s like eating dry fucking toast. Whoever created them must have been a boring twat.
you’re an idiot and obviously not a chocolate lover
its all about chocolate being tasty with everything you put it on…not peanuts being in everything
dont hate on snickers and m&ms